
Auto Repair Services in Franklin CT


Our professionals will perform diagnostic tests, fluid flush and fills, engine replacement,
oil changes, and total vehicle overhauls.

Engine Repair

Our master mechanics can handle any engine rebuild as well as any engine repair service that your automobile may require to keep it running in top condition.


The transmission is a mechanical component of a car that works to transmit power from the engine to the drive axle, which makes the wheels drive the vehicle.

Brakes & Brake Repair

You know you have a problem with your brakes when you notice the steering wheel shaking, the brake pedal feel spongy, the brakes are squeaking or grinding, or your vehicle is wobbling.

Tune Ups

Buying a car is easy, but maintaining one may take a lot of time, money and effort. However, you must remember than regular vehicle maintenance is necessary.

Oil Change

One of the easiest ways to improve your car’s performance is to complete regular maintenance checks and oil change. This will also help prevent unexpected breakdowns and repairs.


Trust Our Garage
At Disch Motor Group, we fully appreciate how difficult it is for people to find reliable and trustworthy garages where they can service and repair their cars. We are always keen to prove to our customers that we are different!

We handle all makes and models and specialise in more than 40 car brands

We are endorsed by the local trading standards office

All our mechanics and technicians are equipped with the latest portable technology

Trust Our Garage
At Disch Motor Group, we fully appreciate how difficult it is for people to find reliable and trustworthy garages where they can service and repair their cars. We are always keen to prove to our customers that we are different!

We handle all makes and models and specialise in more than 40 car brands

We are endorsed by the local trading standards office

All our mechanics and technicians are equipped with the latest portable technology

All our work has a minimum 12-month guarantee all services

Trust Our Garage
At Disch Motor Group, we fully appreciate how difficult it is for people to find reliable and trustworthy garages where they can service and repair their cars. We are always keen to prove to our customers that we are different!

We handle all makes and models and specialise in more than 40 car brands

We are endorsed by the local trading standards office

All our mechanics and technicians are equipped with the latest portable technology

All our work has a minimum 12-month guarantee all services

Trust Our Garage
At Disch Motor Group, we fully appreciate how difficult it is for people to find reliable and trustworthy garages where they can service and repair their cars. We are always keen to prove to our customers that we are different!

We handle all makes and models and specialise in more than 40 car brands

We are endorsed by the local trading standards office

All our work has a minimum 12-month guarantee all services

All our work has a minimum 12-month guarantee all services

We Are Your Local & Trusted Used Car Sales & Car Repair Shop Near Me

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